ABOUT US Ecareaus

About Us

At ECareAus we pride ourselves on the personal, client focused and high-quality service that we provide. We follow the NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators in order to maintain excellent results for both you and for us.

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NDIS Provider in Australia
NDIS Provider in Australia
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About Us

At ECareAus we pride ourselves on the personal, client focused and high-quality service that we provide. We follow the NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators in order to maintain excellent results for both you and for us.

Our disability services have been formed from these Standards, so therefore we believe it is not only important to tailor our services to meet your needs but to provide the highest quality services in cooperation with those Standards so you can truly get the most from ECareAus and know exactly what you can expect from us.

At ECareAus, we would like to make a difference in the lives of those with disability and to make life easier, fairer and to get people involved and participating within their own communities

We will do our best to give you a personal and individualised experience and you will be treated fairly throughout your time with us, choosing to do the things that are important to you. With your help we can continuously work to improve our services to meet your needs and goals.

Our Vision And Mission

To work in partnership with the community business and government, to strive for excellence in meeting the holistic needs of our clients through the provision of high quality supportive, recreational, cultural, sporting and welfare programs.

NDIS Provider in Australia


We will listen to you and hear what you say and encourage independence and respect your decisions, opinions and views.

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We will be trustworthy, tell the truth and keep our promise to you and always provide the highest quality care we can.

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We believe privacy and confidentiality is of the utmost importance for you and the organisation.

Our Values in Ecareaus

  • Greatness: Do your absolute best… Ecareaus … We invest wholeheartedly in all that we do and endeavor to do our best continuously, getting a sense of ownership with quality, advancement and greatness Ecareaus.
  • Participation: Working Together… Ecareaus … We energize correspondence, cooperating with energy and appreciation, sharing data and supporting each other to establish a positive climate for all.
  • Regard: Value Every individual… Ecareaus … We treat our clients and each other with the most significant level of pride, uniformity and regard, perceiving the significant commitment that variety makes to the nature of tasks and networks.
  • Uprightness: Do what is correct … Ecareaus … Our association and individual standards mirror the best expectations of morals and trustworthiness. We are by and by responsible for our activities.
  • Compassion: Care for one another … Ecareaus … We show understanding for each other through our choice, activities and words, and focus on liking the endeavors of all.

Star Community Care administrations are individual focused, comprehensive and answer the requirements and objectives of our members, their families and carers. We pay attention to you, and in organization with you, we foster custom-made projects and supports that guarantee that you
get the kind of supports you need, where you need them and when you need them. Our backings are custom fitted to help you to reside securely and easily at home and to effectively partake in your nearby local area.

We’re Able To Help

At ECareAus your feedback and opinions about our services are important and we do make improvements based off your ideas. We understand that everyone communicates in different ways, we have a variety of ways you can communicate with us safely in private and without discrimination.

Accommodation and Tenancy
Daily Personal Activities
Assist Travel & Transport
Household Tasks
Community Participation
Interpret and Translate
Group Centre Activities
Support Coordination

Get In Touch With Us

You have every right to seek and find the service you need and have access to the support you require fairly and equally.

NDIS Provider in Australia