Our Clients Say


As a registered NDIS disability services provider, we can help you meet your goals. Whether you are looking for community access, support coordination, assistance with daily living, therapy services or more, we’re here to help.

ECareAus NDIS Provider in Australia

Our Clients Say


At HenderCare we carefully match you with staff who are the best fit for you and your needs. We work with participants of varying abilities and are well equipped to provide services to those with complex to more simple care needs, including those requiring early childhood early intervention (ECEI).

As an NDIS Registered disability services provider, we offer various services under a range of NDIS support lines. 

With a participant-centered focus, our team ensures that the participant always retains choice and control with their services and the delivery of their plan.

Support Coordination

We have an in-house team of experienced Support Coordinators who will ensure your NDIS plan is used effectively. Our goal is to build your skillset and to help you make the most informed decisions about how to structure your funding. We connect clients with providers for each service. 

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was initiated by the Australian Government for people with disability, including people with intellectual, physical, sensory and psycho-social disabilities.

EcareAus is implementing my NDIS plan as per my choice. I was struggling to manage my fund as it was self-managed last year. Thank you Carla to referring a very knowledgeable team, calm, patient people to listen to my wishes. Very genuine care and support.

Steve Smith

The team of professional support coordinator at EcareAus have helped me to improve many aspects of our life, social life included. They helped me see the other bright side of life by helping me change my thinking to enjoy life. I am absolutely grateful. The support coordinator works hard and knows what they are doing. Thank you.

Sophie Hackney

ECareAus understand my needs, their support and guidance made my NDIS journey in positive way. Their support coordinator always encourages me to do things in better way. When I was with larger organisation, I never get a chance to choose what I want. ECareAus has put me in control of my package which is fantastic to me and my family.

Jovan Fergi

    When I received my NDIS package I was so excited but new model was so confused to me but when I spoke with EcareAus support, they helped me understand how to different model work to reach my goals. So, I strongly recommended every body to speak with EcareAus before you speak with other provider. They are local provider in Melbourne at our doorstep.

    Alan Walker

    EcareAus is a great choice. I found the staff are exceptional while speaking with them. They are very approachable, respectful and understanding. At the beginning I wasn’t so sure because I had not seen them before but once I spoke with them, they explained the process which is very easy and helped me to get the job done. I would highly recommend them to anyone looking into plan managing their funds.

    Grace Vallente

    Support workers at EcareAus are mature and knowledgeable. They are fully aware of how to approach people with dementia. EcareAus commenced services for my sister with early-stage dementia. Staff from the previous provider could not handle her as she was always upset toward them. Nowadays, she is calm without using any additional medication because of the right intervention from the management and support worker. Highly recommend.

    Chris Harris

      Get In Touch With Us

      You have every right to seek and find the service you need and have access to the support you require fairly and equally.

      NDIS Provider in Australia